Welcome to the American International Group (AIG) Compliance Help Line

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Business integrity is difficult to define but you know it when you see it. Don't ignore potential fraud or misconduct. If you see something you believe violates the law or the AIG Code of Conduct - speak up.

The AIG Compliance Help Line is available via telephone or internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide. It is operated by an independent third party, so you can feel comfortable voicing your concerns or reporting suspected violations. The telephone number to contact the Help Line is +1-877-AIG-2210 or +1-877-244-2210 (callers outside of the United States should click the “Report by Phone” button for a list of local long distance numbers available in certain countries, or consult your Local Compliance Officer to obtain specific dialing instructions for your country), or you may click the “Report Online” button to submit a report via the internet. If you want to report a threat of violence or other similarly urgent matter, please utilize the AIG Compliance Help Line telephone number instead of filing a report via the internet. If this is a life or death matter, contact the appropriate authorities immediately. Be assured that you will never be retaliated against or punished in any way for reporting your concerns in good faith.

When you submit a report, an independent third party will take this information and forward a written report to the AIG Global Compliance Group. Representatives from the AIG Global Compliance Group, together with representatives from other compliance related offices, will review the report and initiate an investigation to address your concerns.

You do not have to give your name when you submit your report. You may choose to remain anonymous, subject to local laws, or provide your name. Your internet report is not traced and no identification equipment is used. You are, however, strongly encouraged to identify yourself when making your report so that information can be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Moreover, every reasonable effort will be made, consistent with the law and AIG Policy, to maintain your confidentiality.

You should report suspected or actual violations of law or the AIG Code of Conduct. However, the AIG Compliance Help Line is not intended to handle personal or human resource related issues such as hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, evaluations, attendance, vacation or inappropriate conduct OTHER THAN harassment or discrimination. If you have such an issue, contact your Manager or HR representative directly. Otherwise, click on the “Report Online” or “Report by Phone” button to submit your report.

For further questions: CorporateLegalCompliance@aig.com