Ethics & Compliance Hotline
Home Code of Conduct Common Questions

Common Questions

What is EthicsPoint and who can report?

EthicsPoint is a comprehensive, confidential reporting tool to address to address activities that may violate the law or company policies, affect the interests and operations of the company, or create an unsafe or hostile environment for Targa employees and its stakeholders. Targa Resources (Targa) has contracted NAVEX to provide a platform to provide a system for employees, suppliers, customers, contractors, shareholders, and the public to report any activity that may be in violation of Targa’s Code of Conduct, its policies, or other wrongdoing.

What type of situations or matters can be reported?

The EthicsPoint system helps Targa ensure a safe, ethical workplace and provides a means to report wrongdoing. Targa has carefully chosen the best reporting tool to meet its compliance obligations and maintain a positive reporting environment that encourages open, honest communications.

How can this be reported?

With EthicsPoint, you have the ability to file a report via either the telephone or internet. The service is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If you choose to report on the internet, you will be asked to complete a form asking for specific information about your complaint or feedback. If you choose to use the telephone service, a representative will walk you through the reporting process. If you are a Targa employee, you also have the ability to report using your mobile phone and the EthicsPoint application.

In all cases, please provide as much detail as possible to assist the investigation. This includes, but is not limited to, names, dates, locations, and supporting documentation.

When you have completed the report, you will be issued a unique report identification number and password of your choosing. You must use the report identification number and the chosen password to check the status of your report or add more information.

How do I report if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report?

When you file a report through the EthicsPoint website or Hotline, you receive a unique username and are asked to choose a password. You can report with your name or complete anonymity. You can return to the EthicsPoint system either by internet or telephone and access the original report to add more detail, answer questions posed by a company representative, or add further information that will help resolve open issues. We strongly suggest you return to the site in five to seven days to review any follow-up questions or comments or submit more information about the incident.

What if the Company has further questions for me concerning my report?

The Company will ask questions in order to better understand the complaint or inquire into other details. If you report anonymously, the only way you will receive these questions is to return to the site.

I do not have my Hotline report identification number and password. What do I do?

You must have both the report identification number and password to check the status of your report. If you do not have the report identification number and password, you will have to file a new Hotline report. You will receive a new report identification number and select a new password. If this happens, you may mention in your new report that you filed a previous report.

Where do these reports go? Who can access them?

Reports are entered directly on the EthicsPoint secure server to prevent any possible breach in security. EthicsPoint makes these reports available only to specific individuals within the Company who are charged with evaluating the report and working to investigate the complaint.

It is my understanding that any report I send from a Company computer generates a server log that shows every website my PC connects with. Won’t this log identify me as a report originator?

EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your PC to EthicsPoint is available. If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work PC, you have the option of using a PC outside the Company’s work environment through the EthicsPoint secure website.

Can I file a report from home and remain anonymous?

A report from home, a neighbor’s computer, or any internet portal will remain secure and anonymous. An Internet portal never identifies a visitor to its site by screen name, and the EthicsPoint system strips away internet addresses so anonymity is always maintained. Additionally, and more importantly, EthicsPoint is contractually required not to pursue a reporter’s identity.

Is the telephone Hotline confidential and anonymous, as well?

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an internet-based report, and an interviewer will type your responses into the EthicsPoint website. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them during delivery.

What if I want to be identified with my report?

There is a section in the report for identifying yourself, if you wish.