To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

Our Commitment

The College of the Holy Cross is committed to creating a community built on honesty, integrity, and the values espoused in our Mission Statement. We aspire to be a community marked by the highest ethical standards in our work, our relationships, our living, and our learning.

For this reason, the College has created a confidential reporting channel, administered by a third-party (EthicsPoint), that will allow members of our community to anonymously report unethical or illegal behavior or other conduct that might violate College policy. This is an additional method of reporting suspected problems and complaints. EthicsPoint is not a substitute for, nor does it supersede, any existing reporting methods or protocols. Employees may not use Ethicspoint to report incidents of discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct, which must be reported directly to the Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity.

Reports submitted through EthicsPoint will be handled promptly, discreetly, and confidentially. The College of the Holy Cross will not tolerate any retaliatory action against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of the College’s policies or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected incidents.

Reports submitted to the College through EthicsPoint will receive careful consideration with the objective of promptly investigating the report and addressing any improper conduct or violation of College policy. If you file a report through EthicsPoint, you are encouraged to return here 10 business days after filing the report to check the status of your report. In some instances the College may need additional information to proceed with the investigation. EthicsPoint and the College are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of individuals who submit good faith reports or inquiries and you may remain anonymous if desired. Please note, however, that certain types of reports may be difficult for the College to pursue if you choose to remain anonymous.

Ethicspoint may NOT be used to:

Meet your obligation as a Responsible Employee to report Title IX / EO incidents to the Office of Title IX/EO;

Meet your obligation as a Mandated Reporter to report incidents of child abuse and neglect to Department of Children and Families;

Meet your obligation as an Authorized Adult who is hosting a program involving minors on campus to report incidents of child abuse or neglect to the Department of Public Safety.