How can I report a concern?

Cisco has a number of communication channels for reporting concerns. Concerns can be reported directly to Cisco Legal, Employee Relations or the Ethics Office. You can also report by using Cisco EthicsLine, a confidential reporting tool, that enables you to file a report online or by telephone. You can report at any time – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and in multiple languages.

Who can report concerns?

Anyone. Cisco’s EthicsLine is available to Cisco employees, customers, partners, vendors, and others involved with Cisco’s business. We encourage anyone to raise concerns if they become aware of possibly unlawful or unethical conduct or suspect there has been a violation of Cisco’s Code of Business Conduct or company policies.

What types of situations should I report?

We encourage reporting any known or suspected unlawful or unethical conduct involving Cisco’s business, as well as any known or suspected violations of Cisco’s Code of Business Conduct or company policies, as well as other concerns. Example topics that can be reported include- financial misconduct, including potential accounting irregularities, antitrust, bribery or corruption concerns, conflicts of interest, fraud and theft, insider trading, unfair treatment, harassment, discrimination, human rights violations, data privacy violations.

You can also use EthicsLine to ask questions about the Code of Business Conduct and company policies.

Where do reports go, and who can access them?

Reports via EthicsLine are entered directly on the Cisco EthicsLine secure server. The reports are made available to the Cisco Ethics Office and then to specific individuals within the company responsible for investigating or responding to concerns.

How are reports investigated?

Concerns are investigated by an internal, impartial Cisco investigation team. For example, reports related to financial misconduct, fraud and other violations of law are investigated by Cisco Corporate Investigations and reports concerning workplace issues such as discrimination or harassment are investigated by the Cisco Employee Relations team. Once a concern has been reported, Cisco’s Ethics Office or the assigned Cisco investigation team will carry out an initial assessment to determine whether there is sufficient information to proceed and to determine the scope of any investigation. You may be asked to provide further information and/or attend a discussion or meeting.

If I raise a concern, will I face retaliation?

Cisco supports those who raise genuine concerns, even if they turn out to be mistaken. Cisco strictly prohibits any retaliation or threats of retaliation. Anyone found to be involved in retaliating against someone for making a report may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including separation from the company. If you believe that you or anyone else has been retaliated against or treated differently for submitting a complaint or report or for assisting in an investigation, please inform the Cisco Ethics Office by submitting your concern through the Cisco EthicsLine.

Can I report anonymously?

Yes. When making a report, you can choose to remain anonymous. Based on our experience, investigations can sometimes be completed more quickly and effectively when we are able to follow up directly with you as we gather additional information in the course of conducting an investigation.

The Cisco EthicsLine system does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, and there is no information shared that identifies your device. The telephone toll-free hotline managed by NAVEX also allows for anonymous reporting.

When you file a report through the EthicsLine web site or through the EthicsLine call center, you receive a unique, randomized number called a “Report Key” and will be asked to choose a password. You can access the EthicsLine system again either by internet or telephone and access the original report to add more detail or answer questions posed by a company representative.

I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of company policy, or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not look right to me. What should I do?

Report it. No matter the outcome, it is better for us to know about potential issues and review them.