Report by Phone

Report by Phone

Speak to a Communications Specialist in your native language about your questions or concerns related to unethical or illegal behaviors or actions.

If the phone number listed above is not working, please report your concern online using the PALIG Ethics Hotline. Please indicate in the report that the telephone number did not work.

Customers: Please do not confuse fraud with a dispute, inquiry, or complaint that you have or may wish to file. If you have a general or service related inquiry not involving fraud please visit the following link for the appropriate contact:

Employees: The PALIG Ethics Hotline is not intended for reporting questions or concerns regarding performance, discipline, and human resources policies on such issues as dress code violations, personality conflicts and disputes between employees that would not be considered unethical conduct. However, if an employee does not feel comfortable talking to their manager and/or Human Resources, he or she may report the matter to the Ethics Hotline.