What is the EthicsPoint Hotline?
It is a confidential channel through which you can report concerns, including about potential violations of law, regulations or company policies, business integrity, employee relations, or Salesforce’s Code of Conduct or Global Employee Handbook.
Who administers the EthicsPoint Hotline?
NAVEX, an independent company, administers the EthicsPoint Hotline. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in more than 75 languages. You can contact EthicsPoint anonymously by phone or through the web from most locations.
Who else can I speak to?
Salesforce encourages using the channel with which you are most comfortable. This could include your management chain, any member of management with whom you feel comfortable, a relevant supporting function such as Legal or Employee Success, or any member of the Office of Global Ethics & Integrity.
What happens after I contact the EthicsPoint Hotline?
Once you submit a question or concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and password that you can use to follow up on your submission. Then, an electronic summary is sent to a member of Salesforce’s Office of Global Ethics & Integrity or Employee Relations team for review and to determine further action.
What is Salesforce’s stance on retaliation?
Salesforce does not tolerate retaliation towards anyone who reports a suspected violation in good faith. “Good faith” means that you come forward with all of the information you have and believe you are giving a sincere, truthful, and complete report.
Are reports to the EthicsPoint Hotline secure and confidential?
Salesforce uses NAVEX's EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of the Hotline. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers. Any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible consistent with law and good business practices.