You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
Click Make a Report to complete an online form
To make a report via phone, dial 866-294-3545
After you complete your report, you will receive a unique report key and be prompted to create your own password. Write down your report key and password, and keep them in a safe place. You will use them to access the EthicsPoint system to view your report, answer any questions, provide additional information, or check the progress of the report investigation.
If you do not have an EthicsPoint report key and password, please click here to follow up.
Northwestern’s commitment to innovation, excellence, and collaboration extends to all aspects of our mission as an educational and research institution. Our Standards for Business Conduct provide a framework of principles and policies to guide you in upholding the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior.
We encourage you to speak up. If you have reason to believe wrongful or unlawful activity has occurred, we ask you to report all relevant information to an individual or office who can investigate the matter. This could be your supervisor, department chair, dean, or administrative lead; or a person or office charged with investigating specific types of misconduct.
In situations where you prefer to report anonymously, we encourage you to use this hotline, hosted by EthicsPoint, a third-party provider. Information you report through EthicsPoint is sent to Northwestern confidentially and anonymously. Please see the EthicsPoint FAQ’s for more information.
Northwestern’s Policy on Non-Retaliation strictly prohibits retaliation against any member of its community for reporting or inquiring in good faith about suspected wrongful or unlawful activity, or participating in an investigation or proceeding related to such activity. The University considers such actions to be protected activities in which all members of its community may freely engage without worry of negative consequences.
EthicsPoint is not an emergency service.
Reports submitted to EthicsPoint may not receive immediate response. To report emergencies or incidents posing immediate threat to life or property, please dial 911 to reach local authorities or contact Northwestern University Police at (847) 491-3456 (Evanston), (312) 503-3456 (Chicago) or by dialing 456 from any campus phone.