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Albany State University has and continues to recognize the importance and value of maintaining a workplace environment inclusive of ethical, efficient and effective actions and behaviors. The responsibility of maintaining this environment is shared by the entire University community. A critical aspect of that shared responsibility is reporting any behaviors or actions that are counter to ethical, efficient and effective workplace operations.
Recently, the traditional ethics and compliance reporting hotline systems were expanded to include an independent company, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Global Compliance allows reporters to remain anonymous if desired, provide additional information/documentation and receive feedback via a report number and PIN. In addition to reporting matters of suspected fraud, waste and abuse the Global Compliance service solicits questions, comments and feedback about areas which could be streamlined and made more efficient and effective. Employees may also exercise reporting unethical or non-compliance incidents directly to their supervisors. Other reporting avenues, such as the Human Resources, Office of the Provost and University Police, continue to serve as additional sources.
Each of us is deserving of a positive and productive work environment. As we model Excellence is the Standard at Albany State University, I encourage each of you to continue the ethical, efficient and effective practices. Lastly, I also encourage you to also report those actions or concerns that are counter to a positive and productive environment through the identified channels.
As always, your value and support are greatly appreciated.
Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II
Interim President