Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline

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Welcome to the Georgia Gwinnett College Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline

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Thank you for taking the time to come forward with your concern. Georgia Gwinnett College has provided this website for you to report unethical behavior or policy violations securely, confidentially, and anonymously (if you so choose). Your willingness to come forward is important to us and helps to ensure that we maintain an ethical campus community.

If you are a faculty or staff employee, reporting through one’s supervisory chain generally produces the most thorough and timely resolution of concerns and is the preferred method for addressing such issues. Concerns may also be reported to Public Safety, Internal Audit, the Office of Legal Affairs, Human Resources, or the Office of Diversity & Equity Compliance (for instances of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct) – see additional links above. However, if you are uncomfortable in any way with using any of these avenues to address your concerns, please click on the ‘Compliance, Ethics and Reporting Hotline’ link above to use this reporting tool. The GGC Ethics Line is managed by NAVEX, an independent third-party service provider, and provides you the ability to remain anonymous if you so desire.

Dr. Jann L. Joseph