Home Code of Conduct Q&A

Speak up!

At Portland General Electric Company (PGE), we are committed to delivering clean, reliable, secure, and affordable energy to all of our customers. Our success in achieving our goals depends on our ability to earn and maintain the trust and respect of all stakeholders – including customers, employees, and the communities we serve. To do this, we must conduct every aspect of our business with honesty, integrity, and transparency.

If you have a question about what’s right, or you believe that a violation of the law, PGE’s Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, or PGE policies may have occurred or is about to occur, we want to hear from you.

You may report a concern or ask a question by clicking the links above or by calling the EthicsPoint hotline at 1-866-ETHICSP (1-866-384-4277). You can choose to identify yourself, or remain anonymous, whichever works better for you. The hotline is operated by NAVEX, an independent company that specializes in receiving reports of misconduct and other concerns.

Our Commitment

PGE takes all reports of misconduct and other concerns seriously. We have designated individuals who review the reports and determine how to address them, which could include conducting an investigation. Reports of suspected misconduct will be treated confidentially, consistent with conducting a thorough investigation and legal requirements. PGE does not tolerate retaliation in any form against an employee or third party for reporting a concern or suspected violation, or for participating in an investigation.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, you may contact PGE’s Ethics & Governance team at Ethics.Governance@pgn.com.