
Graham Holdings Company

Communicate with Directors

The purpose of this page is to enable shareholders and interested parties to submit questions, comments or suggestions concerning the Company's business or operations directly to the Board of Directors. You may also communicate via the Company's third-party managed hotline at 866-687-8972.

When you click on the Submit a Message link below, you will be asked to provide some information about yourself and to enter your message. A copy of your message will be provided to the Company's Corporate Secretary/General Counsel. Your personal information and your message will be kept confidential. If your message contains an allegation of misconduct, your information will be kept confidential to the extent possible and consistent with the conduct of an appropriate investigation.

Sending Communications to the Board of Directors

The Company’s security holders may send communications to the Board of Directors or the Lead Independent Director of the Board of Directors by reporting a concern below. Communications relating to the Company's accounting, internal controls, or auditing matters will be relayed to the Audit Committee. All other communications will be referred to other areas of the Company for handling depending on the content of the communication. All communications will be referred as appropriate, except for the following types of communications:

Please note that this site cannot be used to submit nominations of candidates for election to the Board of Directors or to submit proposals for action at the Company's Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Separate procedures must be used to submit such nominations or proposals; information about these procedures is included in the Company's latest proxy statement, which is available on the Company's website (http://www.ghco.com) in the Shareholder section under "SEC Filings".

Also be mindful that the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulations do not permit the Company's Directors, officers and employees to divulge information not generally available to the public. The Directors also will not divulge information of a nature that might put the Company at a competitive disadvantage (e.g. strategic plans, new products, etc.), nor can they offer speculation or opinions on the Company's future performance or stock price (forward-looking information), except to the extent such information has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission or otherwise generally released to the public.