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Report a Concern

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Our Commitment

At Citi, we believe acting ethically is not only the right thing to do but also the right way to do business and best serve our clients, colleagues, shareholders, and communities. To support that mission, Citi has established the Citi Ethics Hotline, which is a publicly available channel for raising concerns about Citi, its employees, and businesses. The Citi Ethics Hotline is managed by the Citi Ethics Office. We have contracted with NAVEX, an independent third party that specializes in reporting of ethical concerns, to provide telephone and internet channels for you to report your concern to the Citi Ethics Office. Both the telephone and internet options are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, globally. You may choose to report your concern anonymously or identify yourself.

Citi believes it is essential that you feel secure when raising a concern, and we encourage you to communicate your concerns openly. All contacts to the Citi Ethics Office are treated as confidentially as possible, consistent with the need to investigate and address the matter, and subject to applicable laws and regulations. Citi prohibits any form of retaliatory action against anyone who raises concerns or questions regarding ethics, discrimination, or harassment matters; requests a reasonable accommodation for a disability, pregnancy, or religious belief; reports suspected violations of law, regulation, rule, or breach of policy, standard, procedure, or the Code of Conduct; or participates in a subsequent investigation of such concerns.

Additional Reporting Resources:

Depending on the nature of your concern, additional reporting resources are available. Please note that some of these resources are only available to Citi employees.

  • If this is an emergency, please contact 911 (if you are in the U.S.) or your local emergency services for assistance.
  • Contact information across Citi
  • Citi Customer Service:
    https://www.citigroup.com/citi/contact.html or Citi Directory Assistance 1-800-285-3000 or 1-212-559-1000 (Outside the U.S.)
  • Citi Human Resources
    For compensation, benefits, recruiting, and workplace concerns. Reports to the Citi Ethics Hotline about human resources-related matters are forwarded to Human Resources and Employee Relations for review and follow-up.

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