Modern Health Integrity Line

Modern Health is committed to promoting a culture of integrity and to maintaining the highest ethical standards in our business. This means doing the right thing is the expectation at Modern Health, not the exception.

As members of the ModSquad, we all have a responsibility to speak up if we experience or encounter something that does not align with Modern Health’s values and policies. The Modern Health Integrity Line is available for you to report concerns of actual or suspected wrongdoing.

We believe in respect and inclusion for everyone and in ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.

Technical Support

If the matter you would like to report relates to technical or customer service issues with the Modern Health platform as a member or provider, please go to Support for assistance.

Report a Concern

Reports are confidential

Information you report through the Integrity Line will be kept confidential. We conduct reviews of concerns discreetly and will only share information on a need to know basis for purposes of the review. The only exception is when someone threatens imminent physical harm to themselves or others.

Anonymous reporting is available

We understand that reporting concerns can be uncomfortable so anonymous reporting is available where permitted under local law. The Integrity Line is managed by a third-party vendor who does not provide any identifying information for reporters that choose to remain anonymous.

Retaliation is not tolerated

Modern Health prohibits retaliation against anyone for raising a concern in good faith or who participates in a review of a reported concern.

After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

Frequently asked questions

See the FAQ for more information about the Integrity Line.