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ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane website or intranet.

About EthicsPoint Third-Party Reporting

The Diocese of Spokane is firmly committed to the highest standards of integrity in our relationships with the faithful and the public. We must be accountable for all we do in performing our work.

To support this commitment, Bishop Daly has implemented an ethics and accountability Hotline to allow employees and volunteers to report suspected violations of Code of Conduct and Commitment, ethical misconduct, financial impropriety, or conflicts of interest.

EthicsPoint, an independent third-party company, administers this hotline to provide a simple, risk-free means for reporting concerns. Reports may be made on this hotline either via the web or by phone via one of EthicsPoint's trained specialists at 833-622-1255.

See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.

Our Commitment to Anonymity and Confidentiality

If you request to remain anonymous, we will respect your request. However, you should be aware that others familiar with the situation may be able to guess your identity. You should note that reports are never sent to implicated parties or subordinates.

We will also treat your report confidentially. In many cases, Diocesan officials are able to conduct an inquiry without disclosing to anyone outside those who have a need to know that a hotline report has been made. Please note, however, that it is not possible to guarantee absolute confidentiality in all circumstances. Disclosure to others inside or outside the Diocese may be required by law.

Please do not let this discourage you from reporting a concern.

To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

  • Select the "Make a Report" link at the top of this web page.
  • OR
  • Dial toll-free, within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada: 833-622-1255

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

  • All reports through the Diocesan website or via the dedicated toll-free telephone hotline are carefully reviewed by Diocesan officials.
  • You may report anonymously if so desired.
  • After making a report, you are encouraged to return to the site after five working days and click on the Follow-Up on a Report button on the website homepage. You will be asked to enter your private Report Key and password that you were assigned to you when you completed your report.
  • At that time, the Diocese of Spokane may have information on your report or may ask you for further information to proceed with the follow-up action.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.