Message from the CEO
“Acting with integrity is a non-negotiable cornerstone of the Copeland business. We, as a team, are committed to ensuring that all of our interactions internally, and those with our suppliers, customers, partners, and other stakeholders, are conducted with the highest level of ethical standards.”
Ross Shuster
Six Things You Need to Know About Copeland’s Ethics Hotline
What is the Ethics Hotline?
It is a confidential reporting channel through which you can ask questions and raise concerns in good faith about ethics, compliance or Copeland’s Code of Conduct.
Who administers the Ethics Hotline?
The Ethics Hotline is administered by an independent company (NAVEX), is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in most languages. You can contact the Ethics Hotline anonymously by phone or through the web from most locations.
Who else can I speak to?
Copeland encourages speaking up within the reporting channel you are most comfortable, such as your first line supervisor, another member of management or a relevant supporting function such as Legal or HR.
What happens after I contact the Ethics Hotline?
Once you submit a question or concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and password which can be used to follow up on your submission. Then, an electronic summary is sent to a member of Copeland’s corporate team for review and to determine further action, including an internal and/or external investigation by Copeland into the issue being reported.
What is Copeland’s stance on retaliation?
Copeland does not tolerate retaliation. Employees can utilize the Ethics Hotline without fear of retaliation. “Retaliation” is defined as treating an employee adversely for engaging in a legally protected activity, such as reporting an ethics concern, and may result in disciplinary action. Adverse employment actions can include a negative job action such as discipline, demotion, termination, salary reduction, change in job or shift assignment, or giving a negative performance evaluation.
Are reports to the Ethics Hotline secure and confidential?
Copeland uses NAVEX's EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of the Ethics Hotline. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and is not part of Copeland’s website or Intranet.