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Our Commitment

We are firmly committed to conducting our operations ethically and in compliance with all the laws and regulations that govern our business. The way we conduct business with our co-workers, customers, suppliers, competitors, regulatory agencies and our communities defines our corporate reputation – one of the most important assets we have. At Revelyst, we stress that no success is worth the expense of compromising our integrity.

The Revelyst Business Ethics Code of Conduct reflects our global values. Each of the countries in which Revelyst conducts business has its own laws, regulations and customs. While there may be some differences between countries, Revelyst’s commitment to conduct business ethically and with integrity remains the same. Our continued success depends on our resolve to uphold these values daily in our work and in our behavior, no matter where we work.

Using the Business Ethics Code of Conduct as Your Guide: Speaking Up

When you have a question, need guidance, or suspect a violation of the Business Ethics Code of Conduct, our company policies, or the law, then speaking up is the right thing to do.

Reporting internally: The most immediate resource for reporting good faith concerns of suspected violations is your immediate supervisor or any member of local management. If you prefer not to go to your supervisor, or your concern was not adequately addressed by your local supervisor or local management, other options are available. Your local human resources representative, Revelyst legal counsel or the Revelyst Business Ethics and Compliance Office are additional resources through which you may make a report, express a concern or ask a question.

Reporting through NAVEX: You may use this service to make a report, express a concern or ask a question relating to any topic covered by the Revelyst Business Ethics Code of Conduct.

Revelyst Response to Concerns

All reports, concerns and questions submitted in good faith are taken seriously. When a person steps forward to report something that he/she believes is unethical or illegal, we will investigate and address the problem. Good faith does not mean that you are always right. It does mean that you sincerely believe a legitimate issue exists.

Sharing your identity when you submit a report or concern will help Revelyst conduct the most thorough investigation possible. However, sharing your identity is neither necessary nor required. Regardless of how you choose to report, the appropriate people will carefully investigate the reports and take appropriate and necessary action, if warranted.

No Retaliation

Revelyst will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who speaks up to ask a question, report a concern, or participate in an ethics or compliance investigation.

Note: If you work outside of the United States, please refer to your local Ethics Helpline Guide for instructions about how the Ethics Helpline operates in your country, what topics can be reported to the Ethics Helpline, and whether making an anonymous complaint is an option (in some countries, it is not permitted).