Our Commitment

At Abra Group Limited and its subsidiaries companies (referred to as Abra), we are governed by values of responsibility and integrity, conducting business with the highest ethical standards. Our ethical pronouncements and principles are communicated through written policies and culture. Abra encourages an open environment, where honesty and upfront communication are the expectation, not the exception.

In case you decide to file a confidential report, Abra promotes the use of a dedicated hotline, hosted by an independent third party provider named NAVEX, a Delaware, USA, established company independent of Abra. Through this tool, employees, related third parties, suppliers, shareholders, and the general public, can submit inquiries and allegations and disclose conflicts of interest, all of which will be treated under the strictest terms of confidentiality.

This hotline guarantees anonymity in case the reporter wishes the identity to remain unknown.

This hotline is available 24/7 online.

Concerning compliance with legal rules of data protection and privacy of personal data collected through the hotline, NAVEX is the Processor. The treatment will be made by any of the group companies which are responsible for carrying out, the investigation of any allegations, and answering inquiries as well as the taking of administrative or legal actions.

Please see the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.