Our commitment
Cosciens Biopharma Inc. and its subsidiaries are committed to preserving the reputation of the Company for integrity and excellence and conducting the businesses and activities of the Company honestly and ethically and in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Cosciens Biopharma Inc. is responsible for and committed to provide accurate and reliable financial reporting. To support that goal, we have established this communication channel for employees and other stakeholders to report, on a voluntary basis, their concerns regarding the integrity of Cosciens Biopharma Inc. accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters (Financial Matters).
You are protected
Cosciens Biopharma Inc. has selected EthicsPoint, an independent third party supplier, to provide a confidential and anonymous communication channel for reporting concerns about possible violations of the Cosciens Biopharma Inc. Code of ethical conduct (the “Code”) as well as financial and/or accounting irregularities or fraud. Internet Interface is available in French and English and EthicsPoint call center manages more then 100 languages.
All inquiries will be handled promptly and discreetly. In order to make the process of inquiry handling easier, we encourage you to identify yourself. You have the right to remain anonymous, and confidentiality will be maintained insofar as is possible. Cosciens Biopharma Inc. employees will not be penalized, dismissed, demoted or suspended and no retaliatory action will be taken against them for reporting or not, inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of the Code, or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches.
To make a report
You may use either of the following two methods:
  1. Call 844-539-2239 (within Canada or United States)

    Call 0-800-225-5288,
    then dial 844-539-2239 (Germany)

  2. Select “Make a report” link below
The Company prefers that human resources issues be handled at the local level. Employees are encouraged to speak with someone in their local management or Human Resources staff, if possible, to try to resolve their issues before filing a report. If the issue has not been addressed after a reasonable amount of time, employees are encouraged to make a report.
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