Camden and its Board of Trust Managers are committed to conducting business in a fair, honest and ethical manner. Camden has selected EthicsPoint, an independent firm, to provide a simple and anonymous way for employees and third parties to confidentially report concerns 24 hours a day. You may file a report on this website or by calling toll-free 1-800-963-5834. EthicsPoint will forward your report to designated Camden personnel for prompt and thorough action. Camden prohibits retaliation against any person who honestly reports a concern about illegal or unethical conduct.
The Accounting, Auditing, and Antitrust Ethics Hotline is a communication pathway for employees and others who have concerns about the financial conduct of Camden or any of its trust managers, officers or employees with respect to the company's accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.
To submit a concern about accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, call (800) 963-5834 or click here.
Alternatively you may contact Toni Weinstein of the law firm of Dentons US LLP. If appropriate, Ms. Weinstein will communicate the concern directly and confidentially to the Board's Audit Committee Chair. Ms. Weinstein may be contacted at 2000 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1900, Dallas, TX 75201-1858, 214-647-2488.
Employees are encouraged to bring workplace concerns such as discrimination, harassment and other inappropriate conduct to their supervisor, Human Resources or other appropriate management representatives. If you find it difficult to raise your concerns through these reporting methods, you may anonymously communicate such concerns through EthicsPoint.
To submit a concern about your workplace or HR-related matter, call (800) 963-5834 or click here.
To submit a concern about your customer or resident experience, please contact Camden’s Customer Care Hotline at (877) 491-3833.