Report Wrongdoing

Thank you for speaking up. Your courage helps IRC protect its staff and clients.

Report Wrongdoing Online

What should I do if the country the incident took place in is not included in the above list (e.g., Syria)?

If the country you need to select is not found above, choose the option of "Other" and include the location details in the appropriate field within the report form.


Report Wrongdoing by Phone

Select the country in which you are located.

What should I do if the telephone number is not working?

If the telephone number listed above is not functioning, make your report online through this website. Indicate in the report that the telephone number did not work for you.

What should I do if the country I am in is not listed above?

If there is no service for your location, make your report online through this website. Indicate in the report that dialing instructions for the country you are in were not available.

Are the numbers toll-free?

Yes, all telephone hotline numbers listed here are toll-free.

Read our
Code of Conduct
ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the IRC’s website or intranet.
This is not an emergency service. Do not use this site or telephone hotline to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your public emergency services.
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