About This Hotline

Grant Thornton LLP and Grant Thornton Advisors LLC (collectively “Grant Thornton”) are the U.S. member firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and its member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see www.grantthornton.com for further details.

Grant Thornton maintains this Ethics Hotline because ethical behavior is a necessary foundation for everything we do. As accountants and trusted business advisors, making appropriate and ethical choices and decisions is integral to the success of our business, as well as that of our clients' businesses. We work hard to live up to the trust our clients place in us, and we believe in providing the tools to support this effort. This Hotline was set up to help us ensure that both Grant Thornton and our clients live up to the standards we believe in.

Ethical problems are seldom 'black and white'. In order to help you think through what may be a complex set of circumstances, please consult the Grant Thornton Code of Conduct. Whether you are an employee or other personnel of Grant Thornton or of one of our clients, this document may help you to think about the issues that have created your concern.

You may also want to look at Frequently Asked Questions. This document explains some of the technical aspects of the report process, and the safeguards that are built into both the online and phone reporting systems. If you wish to make your report anonymously, the system is designed to protect your identity, and it avoids forwarding the information to anyone named in your report.

Once you select the Report a Concern box on the left, you will be automatically guided through the entire process. If you would be more comfortable speaking with a Hotline representative, you may do so by calling the dedicated toll-free hotline number, 866-739-4134. In either case, your report will be routed initially to EthicsPoint, an independent third party host for the Grant Thornton Ethics Hotline. After it is reviewed for completeness, your report is promptly (in less than 24 hours) forwarded to the appropriate Grant Thornton authority for review and investigation.

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Grant Thornton website or intranet.
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