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Statement of Values and Code of Ethics


EngenderHealth works to improve the health and well-being of people in the poor communities of the world. We do this by sharing our expertise in sexual and reproductive health and transforming the quality of health care. We promote gender equity, advocate for sound practices and policies, and inspire people to assert their rights to better, healthier lives. Working in partnership with local organizations, we adapt our work in response to local needs.

The ethical standard of EngenderHealth, as set forth in the Leadership Credo and incorporated in the Performance Enhancement Program, are:

  • Integrity: To hold oneself to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and, consistent with these standards, to communicate in a manner marked by honesty, clarity, and respect.
  • Inclusiveness, Diversity and Mutual respect: To respect the inherent dignity of every individual with whom one comes in contact in doing EngenderHealth work. To see employees, clients, and colleagues as whole people with personal and family lives. To recognize the benefit of an inclusive and diverse work force. To be open and accepting of individual differences and to be committed to equity, opportunity, diversity, and fairness at work.
  • Excellence: To demonstrate high levels of competence in carrying out responsibilities. To strive for excellence. To learn from mistakes and successes. Regularly to seek new skills and knowledge that will benefit the organization.
  • Learning & Innovation: To be part of organizational learning in an environment which encourages exploration and innovation, along with the lessons they bring.
  • Community: To recognize the leadership that exists within a community. To seek input, listen actively to others, and act on what we learn. To empower colleagues by building capacity and delegating authority to appropriate levels. As a responsible team member, to do one’s share of the work, to work with others, to request help when needed, to accept blame where warranted, to give credit where due and to share ideas. And, finally, to feel free to express one’s opinion but, when a final decision has been reached, to support and defend it even if one is in disagreement.
  • Commitment: To bring enthusiasm and optimism to the task of guiding EngenderHealth into the future, to celebrate and honor the accomplishments of our colleagues, and to be aware that the opportunity for membership in an organization carrying out such vital work is a privilege.

Operating Structures and Values

EngenderHealth is governed by a Board of Directors that is responsible for setting the mission and strategic direction of the organization and oversight of the finances, operations, and policies of the organization. The Board of Directors delegates to the president responsibility for carrying out the mission and strategic directions as established by the Board.

It is EngenderHealth’s policy to know and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, international conventions and contractual obligations relative to our work around the world.

EngenderHealth strives to provide comprehensive and timely information to the public, the media, and all stakeholders and to be responsive in a timely manner to reasonable requests for information. All solicitation materials will accurately represent EngenderHealth’s policies and practices and reflect the dignity of program beneficiaries. All financial, organizational, and program reports will be complete and accurate in all material respects.

EngenderHealth regularly reviews program effectiveness and efficiency, and has mechanisms to incorporate lessons learned into future programs, and prepares, writes and files reports that are accurate and complete in all material respects. The organization is responsive to changes in its field of activity and is responsive to the needs of its constituencies. In reviewing program effectiveness and efficiency, we encourage input from all those participating in the program.

EngenderHealth is committed to honesty in our solicitation materials. We respect the privacy concerns of individual donors and donor intentions in our program.

EngenderHealth staff are committed to protecting and safeguarding those tangible and intangible assets of EngenderHealth, its partners, customers, grantors and donors that are under one’s control. We are committed to creating business records and other documents that observe standards of good taste regarding language and content and that are accurate and complete, and in keeping the records, data and information confidential.

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