Home Submit a Report Online Follow-up on a Report Hotline Procedures
Home Submit a Report Online Follow-up on a Report Hotline Procedures

Welcome to the compliance hotline for Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Brigham Young University–Idaho, and Ensign College (Institutions). The Institutions are committed to strict compliance with all legal requirements and policies applicable to our campus operations, and to providing a safe environment in which students, employees, and visitors may, in good faith, report reasonable suspicions of compliance violations.

What Is the Purpose of the Hotline?

The compliance hotline’s purpose is to help protect students, employees, visitors, and the assets of the Institutions. The hotline provides a way to report reasonable suspicion of noncompliance with law or policy, particularly when other methods of reporting may be unavailable or otherwise inappropriate or ineffective under the circumstances. The hotline also allows anonymous reporting, helps promote confidentiality, and provides safeguards against retaliation. Reports submitted through the hotline are taken seriously and will be given careful attention with the objective of preventing, stopping, and remedying the noncompliance being reported.

What Is the Hotline NOT Meant For?

The compliance hotline is not intended for handling employee grievances unrelated to compliance, such as complaints concerning performance evaluations, hours of work, wages, or merit raises. The compliance hotline also is not intended for resolving academic grievances unrelated to compliance, such as complaints involving grades, credits, or registration. Nonetheless, good-faith reports of legal or policy noncompliance will be reviewed and, if appropriate, investigated and resolved.

Are There Other Reporting Methods?

The compliance hotline does not replace or supersede existing primary reporting methods. Employees are encouraged to attempt to resolve their concerns by reporting them to their supervisor or other appropriate contact person within their unit. Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve their concerns by reporting them through regular academic and administrative channels.

If employees, students, or others feel uncomfortable addressing their concerns through usual reporting methods, or wish for any other reason to address concerns elsewhere, employees and students may make their reports directly to the offices responsible for handling the subject area. The following are just some examples of issues that should be directed to a particular office:

  • Report sexual harassment and sexual violence to the Title IX coordinator.
  • Direct employment discrimination to Human Resources.
  • Discuss visits by external regulators with the Office of the General Counsel.
  • Refer Honor Code violations to the Honor Code Office.

When Should I Use the Hotline?

If you are uncomfortable reporting suspected compliance violations through normal reporting lines, or if you fear retaliation from doing so, or if other direct internal resolution mechanisms have not resolved a compliance issue, you can and should report suspected compliance violations by using the compliance hotline. The Institutions do not tolerate any form of retaliation against those who report in good faith issues of legal or policy noncompliance.

Anonymous Reporting

You may use the hotline to make an anonymous report, and, in that case, the Institutions will strive to protect your identity and the confidentiality of the information provided to the extent reasonable and as permitted by applicable law and policy. If a report is made anonymously, please know that the relevant Institution will review the report and, if appropriate, investigate based on the information contained in the report. It is very important for reporters to provide clear and complete information so that we can properly investigate, and to check back regularly in case follow-up questions are posted. Because EthicsPoint does not track anonymous reporters in any way, there is no affirmative method, beyond posting in the system, to ask follow-up questions. We recommend that anonymous reporters follow up regularly after making a report.

For more information on the use of the compliance hotline and the process for reviewing, investigating, and resolving reports, please see the Compliance Hotline Procedures.

I want to ...
The Compliance Hotline is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service

Do not use the compliance hotline to report a crime in progress, an emergency, or any other event presenting an immediate threat to a person or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, you should immediately contact your local authorities by dialing 911 or calling the relevant number below.

  • BYU: 801-422-2222
  • BYU-Idaho: 208-496-3000
  • BYU-Hawaii: 808-675-3911
  • Ensign College: 801-240-3771
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We have selected the third-party provider EthicsPoint to provide you with a simple way to anonymously report unlawful, unethical, or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of law or policy. To help maintain anonymity and confidentiality, this website is hosted on EthicsPoint’s secure servers and is not part of any Institution’s website or intranet.

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Brigham Young University website or intranet.
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