Frequently Asked Questions

Who or what is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint (“EP”) is an outside provider with whom RELX has contracted to accept and manage reports made to our Integrity Line. Upon receipt of a report, EP notifies RELX and maintains the report on its secure server. When you make a report by phone, you will speak with an EP interviewer.

Why do we need the Integrity Line?

RELX encourages employees to report any knowledge they have about illegal or unethical conduct. While we prefer that reports be made directly to supervisors, human resources representatives, company lawyers or compliance committee members, RELX offers the Integrity Line to provide an option in situations when employees are not comfortable coming forward. We believe that an effective reporting tool can help us avoid bigger problems and promote ethical work practices. We also have implemented this program to comply with laws that apply to publicly-traded companies.

Does management really want me to report wrongdoing?

Yes, definitely. RELX is committed to upholding applicable laws and high ethical standards, and we strongly believe that the company and each individual employee have responsibilities to all those with whom we work: our fellow employees, our customers and suppliers, and the communities and environments in which we live and work. All illegal or unethical conduct by any of us ultimately hurts the company and all of us. So if you know of any incidents of misconduct or ethical violations, we rely on you to report it so that the matter can be thoroughly and promptly investigated and resolved.

Shouldn't I just report violations to my supervisor, human resources representative or a company lawyer directly?

When you observe behavior that you believe violates the law, the RELX Code of Ethics and Business Conduct or another company policy, you have a responsibility to report it. Under our Code, employees are encouraged to report concerns to their supervisor, a Human Resources representative, a Company lawyer or a member of the RELX or applicable business unit Compliance Committee. However, in circumstances when you are not comfortable reporting to one of these resources, the Integrity Line telephone and web-based reporting system are available to accept your report 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you make a report, you will be guided concerning the types of matters that are appropriate for this reporting system.

If I learn of unethical conduct by another employee that does not affect me, why should I report it?

All unethical conduct, at any level, ultimately can hurt the company and all employees, including you. So if you know of any incidents of misconduct or ethical violations, consider it your duty to yourself and your coworkers to report it.

What type of issues should be reported?

Potential violations of the law, regulations, professional standards, policy, or the RELX Code of Ethics and Business Conduct should be reported immediately, as should any that already have been reported but which you do not think are being handled properly. For employees in, and conduct that takes place in, Europe, there are limits on the types of matters that may be reported through the Integrity Line. These include matters that involve fraud, misconduct relating to accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, corruption, banking and financial crime, and insider trading. Other types of violations and misconduct still should be reported immediately, but such reports are to be made directly to your supervisor, a human resources representative, a company lawyer or a member of the applicable Compliance Committee.

How do I report a potential violation using the website?
  1. Go to
  2. Select "Make a Report Online" from the Integrity Line homepage
  3. Select a "Violation Type" that best describes your report topic
  4. Fill out a report on your potential violation
  5. Particularly if you are submitting a report anonymously, be sure to include as much detail as possible to enable RELX to properly investigate the matter
  6. Record the report key and password for your report to use when following up on the report
What happens when I access the Integrity Line website?

Using the Integrity Line website, you may file a report of a suspected violation, or follow up on a report that you previously filed. When you log on to the Integrity Line, a series of prompts will instruct you how to accomplish your task. When filing a report, you will be asked to provide the most detailed information possible about the incident. You may choose to remain anonymous when submitting your question or report; however, doing so may limit a full investigation of the matter. Therefore, you are encouraged to identify yourself.

Your report will be logged and forwarded to RELX Compliance for resolution. The Integrity Line cannot provide you advice or resolve your issue directly.

Must I file a web-based report from a RELX computer or on the company’s network?

No. You may make a web report from any computer with Internet access. Regardless of where you initiate your report, you will be asked to complete the same form; and your completed form will be delivered to RELX in the same manner. Reports are treated confidentially and may be made anonymously from any location and any computer.

Please note that if you are accessing the RELX Integrity Line from a company computer or through company systems, RELX reserves the right to monitor, access and disclose all information sent through or stored in this computer system, to the extent permitted under applicable local law. If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work computer, you have the option of using the toll-free telephone line or a computer outside our work environment (such as one located at home, an Internet café, at a friend’s house, etc.) to access the Integrity Line secure website.

How do I report a potential violation by telephone?

Click HERE for direct dialing instructions from every country where RELX does business.

Is there a charge for making a telephone report?

No. All of our calling numbers are free from the relevant country.

What happens when I call the Integrity Line phone number?

The Integrity Line is administered by a third party, EthicsPoint, Inc. ("EP"). When you place a call to the Integrity Line, the EP call center specialist will capture your question or report, asking you to provide detailed information. You may choose to remain anonymous when speaking with the call center specialist; however, doing so may limit a full investigation of the matter. Therefore, you are encouraged to identify yourself. You should also be prepared, if you are willing, to provide the names of witnesses and potential victims of the alleged unethical conduct to increase the success of an investigation into your complaint.

The specialist forwards your question or report to RELX. The EP call center specialist cannot provide you advice or resolve your issue over the phone. If your matter is urgent, s/he will provide you with information to contact the Compliance Committee directly so you can receive immediate assistance.

The call center specialist will provide you with a report key and password for you to access the "Follow up on Report" section on the Integrity Line website and check the status or resolution of the matter you reported within three business days.

Are reports made by telephone confidential and anonymous like reports made via the web?

Yes. If you make a report by telephone, an interviewer will ask you for the same information that you would provide in a web-based report. The interviewer will type your answers onto the same form that would be generated if you reported via the web, and communicated with RELX in the same manner as a web report. The reports made, generated and delivered to RELX as a result of a phone call are protected with the same security and confidentiality measures as those applied to web-based reports.

Where do these reports go? Who can access them?

Reports are entered directly on the secure server of our outside provider, EthicsPoint, to prevent any potential breach in security. The reports are made available to and shared with only the few designated members of RELX Compliance who are charged with evaluating and handling these reports. They, in turn, determine who else may need to be made aware of the matter in order to thoroughly investigate and resolve the reported matter.

Should I identify myself?

Many investigations can be more quickly and effectively completed when the reporter identifies him or herself because it allows investigators to follow up directly with the reporter. However, this system allows you to make a report anonymously per applicable law. If you choose to identify yourself in reporting your concern, RELX will make every reasonable effort to hold your name in confidence during any investigation. We strictly forbid retaliation in response to honest and good faith reports of violations.

How is my anonymity maintained?

Our provider, EthicsPoint, does not trace phone calls or use Caller Identification. It does not generate or maintain internal connection logs containing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Reports from your computer would come through a secure Internet portal which does not trace or show user screen names. EthicsPoint also removes Internet addresses to ensure that anonymity in the EthicsPoint system is maintained.

What if I remember something important about an incident after I file a report? Or what if the company has further questions for me concerning an anonymous report?

When you submit a web or telephone report to the Integrity Line, you will receive a unique user name and will be asked to choose a password. You can return to the Integrity Line again and access your original report using that user name and password. This enables you to supplement or revise your report, respond to follow up questions from RELX and receive updates when available. If you identify yourself when making a report, you will be contacted directly, and there is no need to return to the record. However, if you submit an anonymous report, this is the only way for RELX to communicate with you. Accordingly, after submitting an anonymous report, we strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer company questions that may arise. This type of dialogue will better enable RELX to investigate your report.

Why should I check back with the Integrity Line?

Checking back at the record of your report allows you to:

  • provide additional information that you think of after submitting your report
  • view acknowledgement of your report
  • find out if additional information is needed to process your question/concern
  • view status or updates to your investigation
  • find out the resolution of your matter

Follow-up on a matter is particularly important for anonymous reports, where we have no other means to communicate with you, the reporter. If you have identified yourself by name, the designated investigator will contact you directly to discuss your concern and ask any additional questions we may have.

What should I do if I lose my report key or password?

Because of the high level of confidentiality that is maintained for reports, if you lose your report key or password, you will be required to file a new report. You can mention in the new report that this matter relates to prior report "X."

What if I face retaliation?

RELX policy strictly prohibits any disciplinary action or other retaliation against any employee who makes an honest and good faith report of a potential legal, ethical or policy violation. If you believe you have faced retaliation of any kind, please report it so that we can investigate.