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The Magna Hotline
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The Magna Hotline

As an extension of Magna’s Open Door process, which can always be used to report employee´s concerns, the Magna Hotline provides an additional method for employees, suppliers and third parties to report suspected violations of Magna’s Employee Charter, the Code of Conduct and Ethics (“the Code”), Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics (“the Supplier Code”) and any other concern about questionable business practice within Magna or its suppliers. If you face a problem or have a concern, which you are unable to resolve at your facility or with your relationship contact at Magna, you are encouraged to contact the Magna Hotline. Provided that you make the report in good faith, you are protected from retaliation. All communications are kept confidential unless otherwise noted.

The Magna Hotline can be used to report a wide range of workplace or supplier issues such as unfair treatment, human rights violations, environmental concerns, health and safety practices, and concerns about violations of the Code, such as illegal or unethical activity, conflict of interest, financial reporting and control matters, theft, quality issues, or data privacy concerns.

Your concern will receive prompt attention. Magna’s Hotline teams around the world are committed to conducting impartial investigations and resolving all concerns or complaints in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I report my concern to the Magna Hotline
If you wish to report a concern, ask a question, or make an inquiry, you may complete a report on this website, or you may speak directly with a Magna Hotline representative. Regardless of which option you select, in countries where it is permitted by law, you will have the choice to remain anonymous.

Magna offers a toll-free telephone number for your country that you can call. The Magna Hotline may initially be answered in English, but the Magna Hotline intake operator will make immediate arrangements during the call for you to speak with someone in your first or preferred language, if you wish to report your concern in a language other than English. Magna Hotline intake operators are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Does Magna really want to help me resolve my concerns?
We certainly do. Magna encourages use of the Open Door process and the Magna Hotline to voice concerns, ask questions or make inquiries, express opinions or make suggestions. The Magna Hotline is also an essential tool to help ensure positive and successful employee relations in our plants consistent with our Fair Enterprise values and the principles outlined in the Employee’s Charter and the Code, wherever Magna operates around the world.
How does the Magna Hotline maintain confidentiality?
The Magna Hotline does not trace phone calls or use technology such as Caller Identification (ID). In addition, the Magna Hotline does not generate or maintain Internet connection logs containing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses; no information linking you or your computer to the Magna Hotline would be available if you choose to make a report. Online reports come through a secure Internet portal that does not trace or pass along any other information, such as user screen names or the like.
More Frequently Asked Questions
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
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