1. What types of concerns should I report?
    You should report any situation or University conduct you believe violates a law, rule, regulation, or University policy. You are expected be acting in good faith and provide information you reasonably believe to be true. CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCIES
  2. Can I report concerns that are not violations of University policies or other laws rules or regulations?
    The Hotline is intended to investigate violations of laws, rules, regulations or University policy. It is often best to bring other concerns to a supervisor, instructor, or campus administrator who can most effectively address the matter. Usually, the local unit is most familiar with the issues and parties and is best equipped to handle the concern.
  3. What are my other reporting options?
    Frequently, the best place to raise a concern or ask a question is through ordinary supervisory or departmental channels. You may also be able to raise your concern with campus administrators or specific University offices established to handle certain types of issues.
  4. What is EthicsPoint?
    EthicsPoint is an industry leader in providing hotline services to help employees, students, and other stakeholders to quickly and easily report possible violations of laws, rules, regulations, or University policy. It is used by thousands of organizations, including hundreds of educational institutions. A report may be submitted anonymously or you may choose to identify yourself.
  5. Will the information I provide be kept confidential?
    Reports of violations will be kept confidential pursuant to University policy. In some instances, reporting to proper authorities may be required by law or University policy.
  6. What happens when I contact the EthicsPoint website or call the toll-free number?
    The EthicsPoint website will guide you through questions relevant to your concern. If you call the toll-free number, you will greeted by an EthicsPoint call center staff person. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide if you were using the online report form. The interviewer will enter your responses into the system and use that to generate an electronic report. These electronic reports have the same security and confidentiality protections as a report that you would enter directly online.
  7. I have documentation to support my concern. What should I do with it?
    If your documentation is in an electronic format, you may upload it to your online report. Select your campus location and violation category. After you select a violation, you will be directed to a report form. Use the link "Click here to upload files" that appears toward the end of the report form. If you make a report by telephone or have documentation that cannot be uploaded, you should indicate in your report that you have documentation that you haven't included. The University official handling the report will contact you (see "How can I follow up on a report I've made?") about how to submit the information.
  8. How can I follow up on a report I've made?
    When you file a report, either by calling the toll-free number or by submitting a report online, you will receive a unique Report Key and be asked to choose a password. You will need to retain these to return to a report you previously filed to obtain a status of the investigation or provide more information. To follow up on a report over the phone, call the toll free number again and tell the interviewer that you are following up on a report. You will be asked for your Report Key and password. To follow up on a report over the internet, go to the University's hotline homepage, click on the "Follow up on a Report" button, and enter your Report Key and password. This will take you to the report you previously filed and a link to "Post a Follow-Up Note" or "Upload File." If you return to the Web homepage to follow-up on a report, you should receive updates at least every 30 days. You may be contacted more frequently if additional information is required.
  9. What should I do if I come across additional information or concerns?
    You can always add additional information to your original report (see "How can I follow up on a report I've made?").
  10. How long will the investigation take?
    The length of the investigation depends upon many factors, such as the complexity of the issue, the number of people involved, the nature and extent of documents or other evidence involved, and the urgency of the matter. If you call or return to the Web homepage to follow-up on a report, you should receive updates at least every 30 days. You may be contacted more frequently if additional information is required.
  11. Will I be told about the details of an investigation or its outcome/result?
    In most cases, you will be told whether your reported issue was investigated, and whether it was resolved. There are, however, legal and other restrictions on what information the University is allowed to provide.