Frequently Asked Questions
What should I report?
Contact us if you learn of potential violations of applicable laws, the Code of Conduct, or other policies.
Can I report a concern anonymously?
When you make a report, you may choose to remain anonymous. If you decide to make your identity known, our investigators will take every reasonable precaution to keep your identity confidential, consistent with conducting a thorough and fair investigation.
What is EthicsPoint?
EthicsPoint is TelevisaUnivision’s third-party reporting service that allows employees and business partners to report potential violations of TelevisaUnivision’s Code of Conduct, our policies, or the law. Reports are entered directly onto the EthicsPoint secure server and made available only to TelevisaUnivision’s Compliance team and the appropriate internal partners.
What happens after a report?
All reports are sent to trained investigators at TelevisaUnivision. They will decide on the further procedure and contact you via the reporting system in case of questions or if additional information is needed. The investigation, especially in complex cases, can take several months.
Why do I need an “Report Key”?
At the end of the reporting process, you will receive an automatically generated incident number and set a password for yourself. Using this login data, you can later log into this reporting system. The Inbox permits you to enter into a direct dialogue with the person looking into your concerns while protecting your anonymity. The option to have a dialogue is very important, as further information might be required to look into and address your concerns.
When can I expect an answer?
Please allow 2-3 working days for an initial response. The investigation, especially in complex cases, may take several months.