Reports are entered directly to a secure server to prevent any possible breach in security. Reports are provided only to specific individuals within the company who are charged with evaluating and investigating the report, based on the type of violation, the location of the incident, and the FedEx Operating Company involved. Each of these report recipients has had training in keeping these reports in the utmost confidence.
No. The majority of managers throughout the company do not have access to the FedEx Alert Line system and have no access to the reports generally. Furthermore, the FedEx Alert Line system and report distribution protocols are designed so implicated parties are not notified about or granted access to reports in which they have been named.
FedEx has implemented strict security protocols to limit access to reports to only those specific individuals within the company charged with evaluating and investigating the report or who have reporting responsibilities for reports/investigations. FedEx policies limit the disclosure of confidential information, such as the report details, to individuals who have a legitimate business need to know the information. We make every effort to protect your privacy and the privacy of those contacted during the investigation.
Usually the answer is “yes.” There are some countries outside the United States that do not allow certain reports to be made anonymously and we have to comply with those laws. Some countries prohibit us from encouraging reporters to report anonymously, even though anonymous reports are allowed within that country. The NAVEX system is set up to let you know if an anonymous report is not allowed in your country.
Where anonymous reporting is allowed, we encourage you to follow-up on the status of the report if additional information is needed, as it is impossible for us to contact you directly if you report anonymously. The only way for us to contact you about the report is to post a question in the system which you can access when following-up on the report.
The FedEx Alert Line is run by an independent third party company called NAVEX. NAVEX does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses; no information linking your PC to NAVEX is available. NAVEX is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity.
The FedEx Alert Line is overseen by the FedEx Corporate Compliance & Integrity group, which has a procedure in place with IT preventing access to server logs to determine the identity of an anonymous reporter. If a reporter reports anonymously (in countries where this is allowed), we believe this choice should be respected until the reporter identifies themselves.
If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work computer, you have the option of using a computer outside our work environment (such as one at an Internet café, the library, at a friend’s house, etc.) through the NAVEX secure website. Many people choose this option, as NAVEX’s data shows that fewer than 12% of reports are generated during business hours.
A report from home, a neighbor’s computer, or any Internet portal will remain secure and anonymous, where permitted by local laws. An Internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and the NAVEX system strips away identifying information, such as an IP address, so anonymity is maintained. Plus, NAVEX is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity.
The NAVEX system is designed to protect you. NAVEX is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity. To further ensure your anonymity, you - as a reporting party - need to be careful not reveal any identifying details as part of your report. For example, “from my cube next to Jan Smith … ” or “in my 33 years … ”
Yes, where anonymous reporting is allowed by law. You will be asked to provide the same information you would provide in an Internet-based report; the interviewer will type your responses directly into NAVEX’s secure environment. Hotline-based reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them during delivery as Internet-based reports.
There is a section in the report where you may identify yourself, if you wish. In some cases, it is important to identify yourself for us to fully investigate a matter. Remember, FedEx policies prohibit any form of retaliation against a person who reports in good faith any known or suspected misconduct.