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Why speak up?

Integrity and Reliability are core values for FedEx. Unethical, illegal, unsafe, or other improper actions are contrary to these values and can harm our name, our team members, and our customers.

Acting with integrity includes speaking up when we believe someone has engaged in conduct that violates the law or the FedEx Code of Conduct. Every team member is responsible for helping prevent such activities. By speaking up, you are preserving our culture and protecting others. Remember, we cannot address concerns unless we know about them.

How do I speak up?

If you learn of any suspected violation of law or the FedEx Code of Conduct or other unethical or unsafe behavior, report it to a member of management or Human Resources. You can also submit your concern here as a FedEx Alert Line report. We strictly prohibit retaliation for raising concerns in good faith.

The FedEx Alert Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can make a report online or, in most countries, by calling a toll-free number. Where allowed by law, you can choose to report anonymously. If you do so, please follow-up in case additional information is needed, as it will be impossible for us to contact you if you report anonymously.

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