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Our Commitment to the Highest Ethical Standards

As we continue to grow our business in a complex digital world, our commitment to integrity and compliance with the law is more important than ever. When we embrace our Code of Business Ethics, we put our integrity into action while improving our business performance and building on our reputation in the marketplace. It’s how we make our conduct count…the Accenture Way.

If you have reason to believe that Accenture employees, vendors or contractors are engaged in inappropriate, fraudulent, unethical or illegal behavior, we want you to speak up.

There are many ways to raise a concern. You can speak with your supervisor or career counselor; you can contact any Accenture Leader or member of Human Resources or Legal; or you may raise a complaint through the Accenture Business Ethics Helpline. All Helpline submissions are received by an independent team and handled confidentially. In most geographies, you have the option to proceed anonymously, if you prefer.

Whichever approach you choose, Accenture does not tolerate retaliation against those who raise a good faith concern.

Information Security Issues. To report an actual or suspected information security breach, including a lost or stolen laptop or phone, you should contact the Accenture Security Operations Center (ASOC) Hotline at +1-202-728-0645 (24-hour service staffed by a security professional; accepts collect calls). To submit an ASOC report online, visit asoc.accenture.com.