Ethics Hotline

A Message from Our CEO: Operating Ethically Every Day

Our reputation for doing business with integrity and operating with high standards of business ethics helps us deliver a positive and safe employee experience for our people, support our customers as we work together towards a cleaner, more efficient, electrified and connected world and grow our business.

Our reputation has been well-earned for more than 100 years and it is critical that we maintain it. That requires that we all do the right thing and conduct business the right way at every opportunity. All Sensata employees play an integral role in protecting that reputation; we are all expected to adhere to our corporate value of Integrity – doing what’s right and delivering what we promise - each and every day; and abide by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Thank you for your continued efforts and support in making Sensata a great place to work every day.


Jeff Cote
CEO & President

What to Report Using the Hotline:

  • Corporate Policy or Conduct Violation
  • Misuse of Company Resources
  • Substance Abuse
  • Threats or Physical Violence
  • Trading of Inside Information
  • Workplace Harassment
  • Workplace Health or Safety Violation
  • Workplace Retaliation or Retribution

For more information, please see the FAQS page.