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Welcome to Sempra’s Ethics & Compliance Helpline

All of us within the Sempra family of companies are responsible for behaving in a manner that reflects positively on both our personal reputation and the reputation of the company.

Sempra’s Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is our standard for maintaining a legally compliant and ethical workplace. Should you become aware of an unsafe or unethical situation or if you have any concerns you want to report, you may talk to your supervisor or one of the contacts listed in the Code. If discussing your concerns with your supervisor is not possible, or your supervisor cannot resolve the concerns, you can bring them to the attention of the next level of management, Human Resources, the Chief Ethics Officer, or the Ethics & Compliance Helpline. Although you are encouraged to identify yourself, reports can be made to the Helpline anonymously.

If you are a customer, supplier or contractor for a Sempra company, you may also report concerns through the Ethics & Compliance Helpline.


Sempra will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, raises and reports a concern or against any employee who participates in a Helpline investigation.