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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Got a Concern?
  2. Got a Concern? is McKinsey's Ethics helpline, operated by an independent third party. It provides a platform for confidential and anonymous reporting, as legally permissible. Each submission is subsequently handled and reviewed by McKinsey's Global Ethics Team, who consult with subject matter experts as needed.

  3. Who may use Got a Concern?
  4. Got a Concern? is accessible to anyone, including McKinsey colleagues, clients, advisors, former colleagues, applicants, service providers and other third parties (e.g., organizations, external workers). It is also available in multiple languages. Reports can be submitted in writing through the online form or verbally via phone for select countries.

    Firm members can also reach out to:

  5. What types of matters should I report?
  6. Globally, depending on applicable law, Got a Concern? can be used to report any activity that violates Our Code, our Firm’s policies and standards, or the law. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Adherence to Laws and Regulations: Includes bribery and corruption, and other illegal or fraudulent conduct; non-compliance with immigration policy and laws; violations of antitrust; insider trading; international trade controls/sanctions; labor or any other law or regulation
    • Business/Professional Integrity: Includes issues related to individual or “personal” conflicts of interest; outside activities; expenses; accounting, auditing, and financial reporting
    • Client & Third-Party Interactions: Includes client confidentiality; client conflict of interest; and client service compliance or other issues related to our interactions with clients & third parties (including vendors/suppliers)
    • Health, Safety and Security in the Workplace: Includes violence or any threat to safety or security in the workplace
    • Human Rights & Environmental Concerns: Includes issues related to human rights violations (e.g., working conditions) and our firm’s impact on the environment
    • Information Management & Protection of Firm Assets: Includes issues related to technology and insider threat; data breaches, loss or theft of data; abuse of company property; use of McKinsey’s equipment or property for personal or illegal activities; and external communications
    • McKinsey Personnel Processes: Includes issues related to recruiting, compensation and benefits
    • Retaliation: Includes issues related to adverse action taken against someone for engaging in an activity (e.g., raising or reporting a concern in good faith or participating in a review or investigation)
    • Workplace Conduct: Includes issues related to disrespectful or unprofessional behavior; discrimination and harassment; personal relationships
    • Other: Includes any other issue or matters that may violate Our Code, our Firm’s policies and standards, or the law

    Anytime you see, suspect, or learn about activity that violate Our Code, our Firm’s policies and standards, or the law, you have a duty to speak up and report your concern. As a Firm member, you are expected to take an active stance against unethical or unlawful behavior. Our duty to speak up goes above and beyond our “obligation to dissent”: it is an obligation to report. Failure to report misconduct may result in discipline, up to and including separation from our firm.

  7. What happens after I make a report? How soon can I expect a response?
  8. When you submit a question or concern through Got a Concern? you will receive a confirmation email with a "report key" and "password." Use these to log back in and check for updates or additional requests for information. Write down or save the "report key" securely, as it cannot be retrieved later. Each report is managed by McKinsey’s Global Ethics Team, and you can expect a follow-up within 5-7 days, depending on the complexity of the issue. Regardless of whether you provided your name or reported anonymously, a team member will contact you through Got a Concern?.

  9. Who will see my report? Who investigates it?
  10. Reports raised through Got a Concern? are received by NAVEX, an independent party, and handled as confidentially as possible. NAVEX does not investigate cases rather they transmit concerns and questions directly to McKinsey’s Ethics Team for review.

    The Ethics team handles all concerns raised. A core team conducts internal reviews objectively and empathetically. If a violation of Our Code, policies, or the law is found, appropriate action will be taken. When appropriate, you will be informed once your concern has been reviewed and addressed. Due to confidentiality, McKinsey may not share specific details about the resolution.

  11. Can I submit a report anonymously?
  12. Subject to local law, you can submit a report anonymously through Got a Concern? We encourage you to identify yourself because it enables direct outreach, which can make the process of reviewing and addressing a report more effective. If you provide your name during the reporting process, we will make every reasonable effort to handle your report confidentially.

    It is important to provide as much information as possible because that can help enable the Firm to address your report or provide a thorough response. You can respond to requests for more information, by using your “report key” and “password”

    If you would like to remain anonymous and receive emails when we post follow-up responses to you, you may provide a personal email address that only NAVEX retains. Your email address won't be included with your report to McKinsey. Providing an email address isn't required to submit a report anonymously but enables you to be notified by email of updates or follow-ups to your report. Otherwise, we ask you to use your report key and password to return to the helpline in 5-7 business days, to review any follow-up questions or submit additional information about your report.

  13. How does McKinsey protect me from retaliation if I submit a report?
  14. McKinsey does not tolerate retaliation, including raising or reporting a concern in good faith or participating in a review or investigation. Any colleague who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including separation from our firm. All reports of retaliation will be handled by the appropriate personnel with confidentiality and urgency.

  15. What should I do if I am unsure of a violation of Our Code, policies and standards, or law occurred?
  16. Anytime you see, suspect, or learn about activity that violates Our Code, our Firm’s policies and standards, or the law, you have a duty to speak up and report your concern. As a Firm Member, you are expected to take an active stance against unethical or unlawful behavior.

    The information you supply may result in decisions that affect employees of McKinsey and other third parties involved in the relevant incident. We ask you to provide only information that you have reasonable grounds to believe is accurate. If you intentionally provide inaccurate or misleading information, you could face disciplinary action or legal consequences.

  17. What should I do if I forget my report key or password?
  18. If you forget or lose your Report Key or Password, you will need to file a new report. You can mention in the new report that it relates to a prior report. This process is in place to protect and maintain the security of all submitted reports.

  19. Who can I contact if I have additional questions about Got a Concern?
  20. You can contact McKinsey’s Ethics Team directly at

  21. How will my personal data be handled?
  22. You can understand how your personal data is being handled by accessing this link: