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Got a Concern?

McKinsey’s Values are grounded in the highest professional standards. By acting with integrity, we strengthen our partnerships with our clients, we build trust in our communities, and we motivate one another to perform at the highest level.

Our Code of Conduct can support you

Our Code is our guide to ethical and integrity-based decisions. It outlines the behaviors expected from each of us, what to do, and where to go if we have questions, no matter where we are in the world.

Learn more about Our Code’s seven principles and options for speaking up

About Got a Concern?

Got a Concern? is McKinsey’s Ethics helpline hosted by a third party, and allows for confidential and anonymous reports, to the extent permitted by law.

What would you like to do?

Learn more about reporting a concern

We have a duty to speak up

Speaking up may be uncomfortable, but making your voice heard benefits us all. It strengthens the trust we work to cultivate with our clients, our communities, and one another.

View Our Code of Conduct

When you have a duty to speak up

Anytime you see, suspect, or learn about activity that violates Our Code, our Firm’s policies and standards, or the law, you have a duty to speak up and report your concern. As a Firm member, you are expected to take an active stance against unethical or unlawful behavior.

View options for speaking up

What happens when you report

We know it takes courage to speak up. If you submit a report, it will be reviewed thoroughly, and information will be treated confidentially. Firm members must fully cooperate with investigations, and cooperation after reporting a violation may be necessary.

View our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

No retaliation

We do not tolerate retaliation for raising or reporting a concern in good faith or participating in a review or investigation. Any colleague who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including separation from our Firm. All reports of retaliation will be handled by the appropriate personnel with confidentiality and urgency.