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Welcome to the MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine

What is the MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine?

The MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine is a confidential channel through which you may raise and report concerns on situations involving suspected fraud, unethical behavior, or MetLife Code of Conduct violations.

What is MetLife’s stance on retaliation?

MetLife does not tolerate retaliation. We consider acts of retaliation to be misconduct that can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. We seek to provide a safe, healthy and productive workplace for our employees and our business partners who assist us in our business operations. All reports of retaliation will be promptly and thoroughly investigated and corrective action will be taken as appropriate.

Are reports secure and confidential?

MetLife uses NAVEX's EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of the helpline. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible consistent with law and good business practices.