Momentive Ethics Line

Things to Know About Momentive’s Ethics Line

What is the Ethics Line?

The Ethics Line is a global helpline. It is a confidential channel through which you can ask questions and raise concerns about ethics, compliance or Momentive’s Code of Conduct. You can either report your concern online through this website, or over the phone using the Ethics Line number for your country.

Who administers the Ethics Line?

The Ethics Line is administered by an independent company, NAVEX. It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and can accommodate calls in more than 75 languages. You may contact the Ethics Line anonymously from most locations.

Who else can I speak to?

Generally, your supervisor or manager will be in the best position to resolve a concern. However, your direct supervisor is not your only option.

Other resources include:

Human Resources
Another Manager
Legal Department

What happens after I contact the Ethics Line?

If you make a report, it will be investigated confidentially and professionally. You may be asked to provide more information. If you reported anonymously, the questions will be posted through the Ethics Line for you to review and respond. You may or may not receive information on the ultimate results of the investigation, but you will receive confirmation that the issue has been addressed.

What is Momentive’s stance on retaliation?

No employee will be disciplined, lose a job, or be retaliated against in any way for asking questions or raising concerns about our legal or ethical obligations when acting in good faith. Good faith does not mean an individual has to be right; but it does mean that the individual must believe that the information provided is truthful.

Are reports to the Ethics Line secure and confidential?

All investigations will be handled in a professional manner. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible and appropriate with sensitivities to the important privacy interest of all parties. If you believe that an investigation is being conducted inappropriately, you should report it immediately.

Our Commitment

Momentive’s commitment to maintain a strong, ethical culture is reflected through our core values of ethics and integrity and in our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct and underlying policies contain guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.

Doing the right thing means acting with honesty and integrity at all times, and speaking up when you think someone else is acting unethically.

If you know or suspect any ethical concerns or improper conduct, you can safely report any concerns or get additional information by contacting Momentive’s Ethics Line.