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Common Questions

What is the EthicsLine? Why do we have an EthicsLine? What should I do if I believe I am the subject of retaliation for having raised a concern? I am a customer and want to discuss my account or other banking products and services. Is the EthicsLine the right resource for me?


May I report using either the internet or the telephone? What type of situations should I report? If I see a violation, shouldn't I just report it to my manager, security, or human resources and let them handle it? Why should I report what I know? What’s in it for me? Why should I report a concern early? Does management really want me to report? Where do these reports go? Who can access them? Is it possible to speak with someone in my native language?


I am comfortable providing my name and contact information to help ensure a thorough investigation. How do I do that? If I submit a report using my Company computer can it be tracked? I plan to submit a report anonymously, but am concerned the information I provide could ultimately reveal my identity. What steps can I take to minimize that outcome? Does the EthicsLine also offer anonymity and confidentiality when I report by phone?


I am aware of some individuals involved with unethical conduct, but it doesn't affect me. Why should I bother reporting it? I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of company policy or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not look right to me. What should I do? What if my manager or other managers are involved in a violation? Won’t they receive a copy of the report? What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? What if I uploaded the wrong document or file by mistake and attached it to my report? What if I submitted my report anonymously and you have questions for me concerning the report? Are follow up reports secure? What should I do if the telephone number is not working? Will I learn the outcome when the investigation is complete? What if I have trouble logging in or have lost my report key or password? What if I need dialing instructions to contact the EthicsLine outside of the U.S. or Canada? Who should use the EthicsLine to report a concern?