Speak up, We’ll listen.

“Thank you for your continued dedication to TD SYNNEX and for your help in protecting and strengthening our reputation for integrity and excellence.”
Patrick Zammit, Chief Executive Officer

Report a concern online
Report a concern by phone
Follow up on a report
Additional resources
NAVEX is not an emergency service. If you are worried about any immediate threat, please speak to your emergency services.

What is the Ethics Line?

TD SYNNEX is committed to acting with integrity and promoting an ethical culture. The Ethics Line reinforces that commitment by providing a means to report any behavior inconsistent with our Code of Conduct, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What Happens to My Report?

This site is hosted externally by NAVEX to ensure transparency and security. Reports are routed to the specific TD SYNNEX colleagues who are responsible for reviewing reports based on the nature of the incident and the location.

How to Report

  1. Click the buttons above to report online or to find and call the dedicated reporting phone line for your country.
  2. Provide all the required details when prompted.
  3. Submit your report and note your Report Key and Password.
  4. Return to this site periodically and click the Follow Up button above to check the status of your report. You will need your report key and password to access this information.
ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the TD SYNNEX website or intranet.
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