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ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Prime US REIT website or intranet.

Prime US REIT Management Pte. Ltd, the Manager of Prime US REIT (“PRIME”) has put in place a whistle-blowing policy to encourage the reporting, by employees and any other persons, in good faith of possible improprieties.

You may use the following methods to submit a report:

  1. Select the "Make a Report" link at the top of this web page.
  2. By calling the toll-free NAVEX Ethics Hotline:
    • United States: (844) 755-3393
    • Singapore: (800) 852-6942
  3. By contacting:
  4. Mr. Irving Low/ Ms. Tea Wei Li
    Interim Head of Internal Audit, Group Internal Audit, Keppel Corp
    1 Harbourfront Avenue
    #18-01 Keppel Bay Tower
    Singapore 098632
    Email: /

  5. By mailing to:
  6. Audit Committee Chairman
    c/o Prime US REIT Management Pte. Ltd.
    1 Raffles Place, #40-01
    One Raffles Place
    Singapore 048616