Report a Concern by Phone

Dial toll-free, within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada:

Note: There is a separate line to report Biomedical Ethics issues (ex. advance directives, surrogate decision-making, etc.) If reported here, they will be routed to the Biomedical Ethics group for review.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does my report go? Who can access it?

Reports are entered directly on NAVEX’s secure server. Once a report is submitted, it is assigned to specific individuals within Houston Methodist for investigation, based on the type of issue and location of the incident. For HR-related allegations, the report will be referred to HR for investigation. Each of these report recipients has had training in handling these reports in a confidential manner.

Can I follow up on a report?

Yes. When you file a report, you receive a unique, randomized number called a “Report Key” and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the Business Practices EthicsLine system and access your original report using your Report Key and password to add more detail or answer questions posed by a Houston Methodist representative.

Click here to read more commonly asked questions