Welcome to the CPKC Ethics Line
At CPKC, we believe in operating ethically in all circumstances and at all times. Our commitment to ethical business practice is reflected in CPKC's Code of Business Ethics (COBE) and throughout our programs. Employees are required to uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and professionalism when performing their duties and responsibilities as representatives of CPKC.
If you have knowledge about a violation, or are aware of any other situation that should be reported, you should contact your immediate manager, Human Resources, Legal Services or Internal Audit. However, if the matter involves a violation of a specific CPKC policy, report the matter in accordance with the reporting procedure, if any, set out in the relevant policy. For details on the procedures to be followed for the reporting of violations, refer to CPKC’s Code of Business Ethics link at the top of this page.
If the matter relates particularly to workplace harassment, violence, or discrimination, report the matter to Employee Relations at Employee_Relations_Canada@cpkcr.com or Employee_RelationsUS@cpkcr.com or ERMX@cpkcm.mx.
If you do not believe your concern is being addressed, or are not comfortable speaking with one of these contacts, you may report your concerns on an anonymous basis, if desired by contacting the confidential, anonymous and independently managed Ethics Line.
The Ethics Line is a confidential and anonymous communication channel available to all CPKC employees and stakeholders 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. It is managed by an independent third party, NAVEX's EthicsPoint.
It is safe to disclose your identity when filing a report. When you disclose your identity, it enables us to contact you to gather additional details required to complete the review and take appropriate corrective measures.
It may be necessary to use all the information you disclose to investigate or handle a complaint.